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Quarterly Lifeplanner Newsletter - March 2016

It is hard to believe it is already Autumn. After a few hot weeks in Wagga it is good to have a few cooler days.

A review of some client feedback has identified provision of a newsletter on a monthly basis could be too often. As a result we are altering the frequency to be quarterly. This quarter I have selected a number of different articles providing a broad scope of information.

  • With International Women’s Day being held in March the article ‘Women and super – the facts’ is a timely reminder of the lower levels of super some women have and steps they can take to help boost their financial situation and security through increased retirement savings;
  • ‘The new Australian dream is paying off the mortgage’ provides research about Australian’s attitudes to their mortgages and the impact this has on their standard of living;
  • ‘There’s no one-size-fits-all retirement income’ details recent federal government thinking about appropriate levels of retirement incomes;
  • ‘Expert financial advice imperative’ highlights the complexities surrounding the financial issues of aged care; and
  • ’15 ways to pay attention to your finances’ – is a great article detailing ways we can all, no matter the stage of our life, pay closer attention to our finances.

I hope you enjoy the newsletter and, as always, I welcome your feedback and encourage you to share the information with friends and family

Please contact the Lifeplanner Financial Services office if you would like to update your personal information, review your situation or you have had a change in circumstances and require financial advice.

Best wishes
